Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chapter 10

I remember one day I was questioning my dad about what he was like at my age, 15. He told me that he was growing in music at that time which I was aware of. But then he told me the coolest story about himself. He told me that when he was 15 somehow he was spotted playing ( I cant remeber great details) and was asked to play at a bar. Of course his parents were first skeptical about a 15 year old performing at a bar but they ended up saying yes to the offer. My dad got to play his bass at this bar and the owners loved him so much that they continued to ask him to come back to play, and they even paid him! This was special to me because it gave me a better understanding of who my dad was around my age and what he was involved in. It also made me look up to him even more as a father and a musician.